Never Bored


   My teenagers have often stated I "don't have a life".  Really?  I see things in quite the opposite light.  By trade, I am a homemaker/home educator.  Does that sound dull to you? Well, it certainly isn't!  Life is actually quite challenging for me.
   For starters, educating my kids really keeps me on my toes.  Each one is different and requires something unique from me.  I am constantly adjusting things in order to try to make my kids successful, all the while being consious of what is required to satisfy both the state and our diploma programs.
   Then, in addition to that, there are the constant homemaking tasks.  Last night, for example, I came home exhausted after having two MRIs, one for the brain and one for the neck.  For someone who is both claustrophobic and has trouble being still, this was no picnic, and so I was drained from the stress. I knew I needed to work on making a test for Becky (14) in history, so I did that, after a partial clean-up of the kitchen.
   This morning, I got up very early.  I wanted to make pumpkin waffles for Andrew (18) for breakfast.  After making three pumpkin pies, freezing pumpkin cubes for baby food,  making a pumpkin roll and pumpkin waffles earlier, the remaining fresh pumpkin I had on hand was still calling my name.  I also knew that I would be leaving the house for a short while this morning for a nerve conduction test and that I have church at 6:30 this evening.  These tests are shortening my day.
   When I got up, I had a wonderful surprise!  Becky had not only made the pumpkin waffles, she had completely cleaned up the kitchen.  So, I went to plan B.  I put the butternut squash that I am using to make baby food into the oven.  Then I ironed some curtains I washed the other day and just hadn't been able to finish.  I also put two eggs out to reach room temperature.  I am making bread in my bread machine because, at the moment, we have none.  Oh yes, and I froze three "packages" of pumpkin that remained.
   I know I have a math test to correct for Liz (15), but I don't know where she put it.  After that, I need to strip my bed and wash the whites.  Oh, that reminds me, I never did rotate my mattress last week.  I had a reminder on my calendar.
  Guess I better get the beef cubes out of the freezer I am using for beef stew tonight and make some more tests for Becky before I have to leave for a week to help my daughter, Rachel, with her new baby. Josh (32) never did tell me what he wants for his birthday next month, and I better decide on a date to celebrate that.........
   Well, you get the idea.


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